Beer & Brains @ The Unley

Beer & Brains @ The Unley

It's a new year and why not doing something new too?

Beers & Brains has the goal to connect everyone who is willing to meet new people and professionals in a more casual environment. The first edition of this event is happening at The Unley in Parkside, where you will be given a complimentary drink (alcoholic or not) to kick off the evening. This is a great opportunity to network with professionals from many different industries.

Carpark is available at The Unley.

PMI Members who register on Eventbrite will receive a FREE standard drink - run before it is sold out!

Anyone is welcome to come and join us in this innovative event, so bring your friends and colleagues and come network!

Event Properties

Event Date 21-03-2019 5:30 pm
Event End Date 21-03-2019 7:00 pm
Individual Price Free
Location The Unley

We are no longer accepting registration for this event