Next Generation of PMOs – Global & National Success In Project Management

Next Generation of PMOs – Global & National Success In Project Management

Calling all Project Management Professionals to come and join PMI Adelaide for this premier event of the year and learn the criteria of next generation of Project Management Offices (PMOs).
PMI Adelaide are thrilled to bring together for you, a prestigious and professional panel discussion outlining the requirements, challenges, and successes of the next generation of PMOs. We are proud to introduce our professional panel members:
Peter Moutsatsos ǀ Chief Project Officer; Telstra ǀ 2018 PMI Global Award - PMO of the year
Dan Butcher ǀ Manager of Corporate PMO; SA Power Networks ǀ 2018 PMI Australian Award - PMO of the year
Paul MacKeddie ǀ Senior Manager Capital Delivery & Program Management; SA Water ǀ 2015 PMI global project of the year award
According to PMI, almost 60% of senior executives admit that their organisations often struggle to bridge the gap between strategic objectives and outputs of the projects they invest in. The result can be waste of money as high as $100M in every $1b portfolio value.
The value of money, customers’ high expectations, digital technology, dynamic market environment, and new skills, force organisations to disrupt their PMOs.
Meeting budget and schedule key performance indicators are not enough. Instead the importance of leadership, strategic management, and change management is becoming the essence of the next generation of PMO. These are the key fundamentals which distinguish Enterprise PMO (EPMO) from the traditional PMO.
This is a tremendous opportunity to learn how to contribute effectively and become an essential strategic part of organisations to strategically initiate, align, and delivery projects with highest profitability and success rate.
It’s an interactive opportunity between audience and panel members not to be missed by project management professionals and will be suited to the individual project manager and the corporate organisation alike.
Join us on the 2nd of May from 5pm to 8pm at the Hilton Hotel, Adelaide.
Registration is required and booking early is strongly recommended as seats are limited for this premier event of 2019.
Non-members early bird tickets are available until 12th April 2019.

Event Properties

Event Date 02-05-2019 5:00 pm
Event End Date 02-05-2019 8:00 pm
Individual Price $21.88 PMI Adelaide Members; $41.51 Non-members
Location Hilton Adelaide

We are no longer accepting registration for this event