Scheduling Tools Improvement in Complex Project Management

Scheduling Tools Improvement in Complex Project Management

Traditional project management tools such as Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Critical Path Method (CPM), and Gantt chart allow the modelling of sequential and parallel processes in projects, but they fail to address interdependency of feedback and iteration, which is common in complex projects.
In this presentation, Indra Gunawan is going to present a method of explicitly accounting for iteration in the design process, Design Structure Matrix (DSM), and ways to improve planning, execution and management of projects using the DSM algorithms (partitioning and tearing).

Indra Gunawan is Associate Professor in Complex Project Management and Director of Project Management Program in the Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre, Faculty of the Professions, the University of Adelaide.
He received his PhD in Industrial Engineering and MSc in Construction Management from Northeastern University, USA. Prior to joining the University of Adelaide, he was the postgraduate program coordinator for Maintenance and Reliability Engineering at Monash University. Previously he has also taught in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand and worked as the Head of Systems Engineering and Management program at Malaysia University of Science and Technology (in collaboration with the MIT, USA).

Event Properties

Event Date 19-09-2018 5:30 pm
Event End Date 19-09-2018 7:30 pm
Individual Price $35.74. Members Free
Location Nexus, University of Adelaide

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