Member Meetings

Member Meetings


Culture's Impact on Change

22-08-2019 7:00 am -8:30 am
$35.74. Members Free

Event Description: Think about any change program that you’ve tried to achieve or were a part of. Now think what impact did your culture have on the success of that change? More often than not my clients tell me that their “culture” is holding them back from the changes they want to make in business. The people aren’t engaged and are rejecting the new way of working. Have you thought about how much of that is to do with the individual and how much is systemic? This talk explores the business culture as a living ecosystem and the impact that this system has on the individuals ability to make change in business. Through case studies we explore why change failed and how understanding the ecosystem would have created a different outcome


Michelle HollandMichelle Holland, Director Strategy and Culture, SynergyIQ Michelle dreams of a world where all people feel safe and valued for their unique qualities and strengths. By challenging status quo, she helps leaders to discover new ways of working and create better businesses. She is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker and coach and one of Australia's most engaging and thought provoking experts on change, culture and leadership. She holds post grad qualifications in legal studies and ethics, and HR and leadership. Michelle is also an accredited culture and leadership profiler. In 2013, after holding a range of senior management positions, Michelle founded Synergy IQ a business consultancy where she, her business partners, and her team, specialise in leadership, culture, change, and business transformation. She is a self-confessed pop-culture enthusiast which includes a healthy obsession with Marvel and Harry Potter. Find out more about Michelle at

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Delivering on Lower Murray Floodplain Restoration in SA

24-09-2019 5:30 pm -7:30 pm
$35.74 Free for PMI Adelaide Members.
This presentation will focus on one the main projects currently happening in South Australia. The $155m South Australian floodplain restoration program aims to develop floodplain infrastructure to address the continuing decline in ecosystem health and deliver improved ecological outcomes for floodplains along the Lower River Murray in South Australia. The major focus of the proposed management actions for these sites is the construction of regulators and banks to facilitate floodplain inundation at low flows and to offset the reductions in natural flood frequency. It is an innovative project, seeking to increase the availability of water to improve ecosystem functions in a predominantly saline system. The program is fast approaching completion and operations will commence in 2020.

About the presenter Glenn Shimmin

Glenn is a results-driven project and program manager having worked most of his 20 year professional career in the South Australian Government. He has successfully led teams delivering major construction / environmental engineering programs, environmental investigations, policy and legislative reform. He has also held key strategic advisor roles within the Environment Department.

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Cyber Risk from a Project Management Perspective

31-10-2019 5:00 pm -7:00 pm
$32.74. Free for PMI Adelaide Members.

With the growing complexity of cyber risk and the breadth of technology implications for most projects it is important that security risks are considered from the inception of a project. This is increasingly important at a time when cyber risk is front of mind for many Boards, regulators and risk functions.
In this event two cyber risk specialists from Deloitte will share their insights on why it is important for cyber risk to be considered for a wide range of projects and how cyber security can be addressed through the project lifecycle. 


David Hobbis
David leads Deloitte Adelaide’s Risk Advisory practice and has over 24 years of experience assisting organisations with understanding and addressing risk in relation to technology, cyber and data. This blend of capabilities enables him to provide valuable insight and direction for organisations seeking to protect their most critical business and technology services. David has worked across a wide range of industries including energy and resources, financial services and the public sector.

Michael Trewartha
Michael is an experienced and certified Information Security Professional with over 10 years of Cyber Security experience across managed services and telecommunications industries. Michael has also worked closely with Project Managers following the PMBOK framework which has assisted the successful delivery of many Cyber Security projects.

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PMI 50th Anniversary & End of Year Celebration

06-12-2019 6:30 pm -8:30 pm

PMI Adelaide Chapter welcomes volunteers, members. sponsors and invited guests to celebrate PMI’s 50th anniversary and a celebration event to close out 2019. The event will comprise of networking, 50th anniversary activities and an opportunity to reflect and celebrate all of our achievements for 2019.

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PMI Adelaide Annual General Meeting 2020

20-02-2020 5:30 pm -7:30 pm

Welcome to 2020!

PMI Adelaide Chapter's Annual General Meeting will start this new cycle with chapter updates, networking and a great presentation from Pete Madsen, Partner at Bentleys SA! PMI Adelaide Chapter members and special invited guests are welcome to attend!

Presentation: PMOs and Project Managers: How to co-exist productively and deliver projects successfully

Ever come away from the latest training session in project management or change management excited at first but then not really knowing what to do or how it will be helpful?

Frustrated at not being able to get “pull” from the organisation and/or your team?

Do you catch yourself “telling” rather than “engaging”, “directing” rather than “involving” or, at the other end of the scale, “agreeing” rather than “challenging”?

This presentation outlines PM Frameworks, engagement mechanisms for PMOs and Project Managers together with the human interactions required. It is contended that all businesses are no more than a complex combination of human decisions and activities (in combination with tools and systems) to provide products and/or services. Therefore, this presentation focusses on Human to Human (H2H) interactions to get the best out of people, alignment among decision-makers and engagement of the organisation.

Presenter: Pete Madsen

Pete is a trusted Advisor to many iconic South Australian organisations leading the Advisory practice at Bentleys SA.

Having gained a unique depth of expertise from successful senior executive multi-national experience, Pete has advised and assisted clients across a range of industries and sectors; including major multinational publicly listed companies, governments, privately-owned companies and not-for-profit organisations.

Focusing on strategy, business transformations and operational issues, Pete and his team provide true value to their clients by listening, identify issues and delivering pragmatic solutions.

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